Outlined below are the retail and non-retail industry categories recognized by NRF for securing your pass to attend NRF events in 2025. The type of company you work for and the role you play at your company, along with your company title, are additional factors used by NRF to determine your badge designation for attending the event.
NRF Nexus is exclusively for retailers. Those in non-retail industry categories are not eligible to attend.
Sells items such as apparel, jewelry, home goods, case goods, appliances, etc. directly to the end consumer (an individual) via a storefront, catalog, television or online. Must currently be in business, own the merchandise it sells and be able to provide an active business license upon request.
Food Retail or Foodservice (operators)
Includes grocery, convenience stores, chain drug stores, gas stations, and independent and chain restaurants. Sells packaged, prepared or fresh food items to consumers along with preparing foods for delivery or on-premises consumption.
Consumer Brands (often referred to as consumer packaged goods)
Sells non-durable goods and non-tech products such as food, makeup, beverages, tobacco and pharmaceuticals to other businesses that are ultimately purchased and consumed by consumers.
Consumer App
Branded platforms that allow a consumer to secure a reservation; listen to music, books and podcasts; reserve a parking spot; or download a movie. The action and function of the app is the service to the consumer.
Consumer Services / Tangible
Services that directly impact the consumer’s life and lifestyle. Examples of this are companies that provide carpet cleaning, tutoring, adult care, lawn maintenance and personal care.
Consumer Services / Intangible
Digital platforms that provide consumers with the ability to review, register and purchase tickets and experiences. This includes but is not limited to registry websites, travel agencies and websites, and ticketing platforms. (This does not include discount purchasing services such as coupon websites, returns or cash back services.)
Digital Marketplace
A website where consumers shop and purchase products.
Operators of venues such as concert halls, theaters, meeting space and stadiums; operators of destinations such as amusement parks, golf courses, arcades and bowling alleys. This category also includes professional sports teams.
Operators of hotels, resorts, casinos, airlines, trains and cruises.
Insurance Services / Consumer
Companies that provide health, home, pet and auto insurance directly to consumers.
NRF Nexus is exclusively for retailers. Those in non-retail industry categories are not eligible to attend.
Industry Partners
Companies that provide products, services or solutions to help retailers operate their businesses. This category includes but is not limited to loss prevention, supply chain, transportation and logistics, POS systems, merchandising, big data, and CRM solutions.
Business Electronics Company
Hardware and software companies that provide technology solutions to both retailers and consumers. These types of companies sell communication devices, wireless platforms and services, and products such as smartphones, tablets and computers.
A person or company that provides business advice. This includes reviewing products and service on NRF’s trade show floor for the purpose of referring and recommending companies and solution providers that can improve retailers’ operations.
Delivery / Payment / Discount Purchasing / Loyalty / Return App Company
Platforms purchased or leased by retailers to service their consumers. This includes but is not limited to delivery, payment, discount purchasing, loyalty and return apps. These apps can be stand-alone or be built into a retailer’s operating system.
Employee Benefits and Insurance Payer Company
Companies that handle payroll benefits, recruiting services, and more; companies that set service rates, collect payments, process claims and pay provider claims on behalf of retailers.
Financial Institutions
These companies provide financial services to both retailers and consumers: banks, credit card companies, mortgage companies and investment advisors.
Includes all branches of federal, state and local government.
Marketplace Platform / Software Company / Ecommerce Technology solution provider
Media Outlets
This includes but is not limited to the non-editorial staff at TV and cable networks, magazines, newspapers, newsfeeds, blogs and podcasts.
Recycling Services Company
Managers of recycling collection programs for materials generated by many types of businesses, including retail stores, entertainment and hospitality venues, office buildings and institutions.
Shopping Center / Property Management / Real Estate Development Company
Companies that develop, manage and potentially own non-residential properties such as shopping centers and other commercial real estate properties.
Transportation Hub Company
Physical transportation portals and systems such as airports, train or bus stations and mass transit organizations.
Venture Capital / Holding Firms / Private Investment Firms
A private equity investment, holding firm or venture capital company that's the ultimate parent company of the brand(s) and has full ownership of it.
Visual Merchandising / Store Design
Companies that provide consulting, architectural services and the products and services to build out retailers' strategic visual concepts. This type of company does not sell any products to consumers.
Press / Media
NRF welcomes industry members of the editorial press to cover its conferences. Media attending must be pre-approved to receive complimentary registration. For more information, contact eventpress@nrf.com.
Individuals or organizations whose core business produces research and analysis on issues related specifically to the retail industry. For more information, contact eventpress@nrf.com.
An individual whose primary occupation is a teaching faculty member instructing students in a public or private college, university, junior or community college or career/vocational school. May also be a director of a college or university center for retail.
During the registration process you will be required to submit two of the following before registration can be completed: A current curriculum vitae, a scanned copy of a valid university ID or a link to a profile page on an eligible institution’s website.
Trade Association / Nonprofit Company
Groups organized for purposes other than generating profit and in which no part of the organization's income is distributed to its members, directors or officers. For more information, contact broganl@nrfevents.com.
Questions on your existing registration?
For any registration questions or assistance please contact registration@nrf.com.
Questions about your qualification?
Domestic and international companies can contact qualificationrequests@nrf.com.